Friday, November 21, 2014

Creepy Carrots

It's been out for a while, but I shared this gem with the kiddos today. It's my new favorite... this week. :)

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Reality Is..

It's that time of year. Thanksgiving approaches, students are tired of being cooped up, everyone is taking their first benchmark tests, and teachers are counting their available personal days to see if a Mental Health Day is possible. Administrators are stressed, students are fractious, and parents are concerned about those progress report grades. How in the world is a teacher supposed to find the time to look for new materials when he can't even find the time to look at what he already has?

Thanks to, you have a handy reference tool. While not exactly cutting edge, brand new titles, these are sure to be available for ordering.


You are welcome.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

New Bluebonnets

The list for 2015-16 Bluebonnet books was recently released. Take a peak at the animoto of nominated titles.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Online Harrassment

Part 5: Witnessing Harassment Online

This PEW research information was very interesting to me. This is the world our youth live in. They don't know what it's like for harassment to not be a normal problem. It makes me wonder what the long term effect will be on their world view. Will it be normal and become accepted?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

A new website I like

So, I recently foung this great website.

You really should check it out. There are some great resources for people who like books. I haven't even scratched the surface yet, but I know it needed a share and a shout out! So go check it out!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Remember when?

I have a few favorite memories of my teachers. They stand out for different reasons. But they are evidence that teachers are people too.

Memory 1
First grade - I don't remember her name, but she didn't like me. She had me tested for Gifted and Talented services and was super happy when I was admitted so that I could be out of her room for about 8 hours a week. The pull out program was awesome fun for a six year old. But no matter what I did, my homeroom teacher brushed me off and treated me like I was a bother. I guess I was probably annoying and whiny. Maybe I even hurt her feelings when I came back to class and shared how we got to do the really cool stuff in the other class. Regardless, I endured first grade.

Second grade - Mrs. Brewster let me read every book in her room. She was compassionate when I couldn't draw a bit as we followed the video. She gave me the opportunity to run a reading group. When I ran out of basal books to read, she let me read whatever I wanted. She gave me the all knowing eye when I consistently misspelled "groceries" and "happiness". She showed me how to be a teacher.

Sixth grade - I saw my science teacher in the intimate apparel section of a department store in a long fur coat and sexy heels. We knew she was getting married and I watched her as I hid behind several racks of bras while she perused the panties. I don't think she ever saw me and I am glad because that would have been AWKWARD.

Eleventh grade - My level physics teacher looked at me one day and asked, "Why are you in this class of lunk headed jocks instead of AP?" "Um, because I am going to be a teacher and have no need for higher level science classes on my transcript. Also, that class is crazy hard and I want a little break this year." "Well, I guess that makes sense. Will you tutor some of these guys?" I was honored and glad he recognized that I found the class not too tough.

Sometimes being recognized is a good thing. Sometimes it is not.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

She's baaaack!

I thought I would just take a moment to get this blog rolling again. So, here is what I am up to today.

Today I got to hear the wonderful Todd Strasser talk about his books and writing process. He is a lovely man and a pretty good writer, too. I guess after over 100 books, he ought to be alright at his job.

This is Tammi Sauer. She writes picture books and is a big ball of energy and writing enthusiasm. It was fun to hear her speak about her process for writing kid's books. She is on the "grow" and I can't wait to see all those books she has in the pipeline for publication.